Prof. Giuseppe Amato è specialista in Chirurgia Generale con una carriera accademica di spicco e un impegno profondo nell’avanzamento dell’innovazione chirurgica. La sua ricerca si concentra principalmente sulla chirurgia della parete addominale, dove il suo lavoro pionieristico ha portato a importanti contributi nel campo, pubblicati nelle principali riviste scientifiche internazionali. Il Prof. Amato è riconosciuto come pioniere del concetto innovativo di scaffold dinamico rigenerativo per la riparazione delle ernie addominali.
È il creatore di diverse tecniche chirurgiche avanzate, tra cui:
- Tecnica Minichirurgica per la Colecistectomia Mini-Invasiva open (1987)
- Tecnica “Fixation-free” per ernioplastica inguinale Approccio open con lo scaffold dinamico rigenerativo ProFlor
- Tecnica “Fixation-free” per ernioplastica inguinale Approccio laparoscopico con lo scaffold dinamico rigenerativo ProFlor
- Tecnica di Riparazione “Fixation-free” per i laparoceli con la protesi tentacolare Octomesh
- Tecnica di Riparazione “Fixation-free” delle Ernie Ventrali con la protesi tentacolare Octomesh
- Tecnica Stenting & Shielding Hernia System con scaffold dinamico rigenerativo dinamico per l’ernioplastica addominale senza trauma e senza dissezione chirurgica
Il lavoro pionieristico del Prof. Amato nella chirurgia rigenerativa sta stabilendo nuovi standard nel trattamento delle ernie, spingendo i confini delle tecniche minimamente invasive ed atraumatiche per migliorare i risultati postoperatori in tutti i pazienti.
- 1975 Università di Siviglia (Spagna)
- 1976 Università di Cracovia (Polonia)
- 1977 Università “La Sapienza” Roma
- 1977 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Università di Palermo con tesi di chirurgia sperimentale
- 1984 Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale presso l’Ärztekammer di Münster in Westfalia, (Germania)
- 1978 – 1980 Ospedale di Warburg (Germania) 1978-1980
- 1980 – 1982 Ospedale Accademico dell’Università di Francoforte/Hanau (Germania);
- 1982 – 1985 Ospedale di Halle/Westfalia (Germania)
- 1985 – 1987 Università di Gottinga (Germania)
- Dal 1987 svolge attività clinica e di ricerca scientifica a Palermo, operando da libero professionista in casa di cura.
- Dal 2004 al 2011 professore a contratto presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale dell’Università di Palermo.
- Dal 2016 al 2020 professore a contratto di Chirurgia della Parete Addominale e delle Ernie presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale dell’Università di Cagliari.
- Dal 2020 consulente esperto della materia all’Università di Palermo
- Dal 2020 Visiting Professor all’Università Jean Monnet – Lugano, Svizzera
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale di protesi dinamica per ernia inguinale
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale di protesi tentacolare per laparoceli
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale di materiale protesico per trattamento laparoscopico dei laparoceli
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale di dispositivi per trattamento endoscopico dei diverticoli del colon
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale di nuovi materiali protesici per la riparazione di ernie della parete addominale.
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale con lo scaffold dinamico rigenerativo ProFlor per la riparazione open dell’ernia inguinale con lo scaffold dinamico rigenerativo ProFlor
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale con lo scaffold dinamico rigenerativo ProFlor per la riparazione laparoscopica dell’ernia inguinale
- Direttore della sperimentazione su modello animale dello scaffold dinamico rigenerativo Stenting & Shielding Hernia System per ernioplastica addominale atraumatica e senza dissezione chirurgica
PARTECIPAZIONE A CONGRESSI (relatore, moderatore, guest speaker)
- Sphincter-like motion following mechanical dilation of the internal ring during indirect inguinal hernia procedure. Hernia 2009;13:67-72
- Histological findings of the internal inguinal ring in patients having indirect inguinal hernia. Hernia 2009;13;259-62
- The use of a new kind of low profile retractor for arteriovenous fistula procedure simplifies and speeds up the intervention. J Vasc access 2009; 10(1):33-6
- A new kind of disposable autostatic surgical retractor in inguinal hernia repair. The International Journal of Artificial Organs 2009; 32 (7): 446-7
- Reply to the letter to editor by Prof. Desarda: inguinal hernia repair: the hypothesis postulated in the article is not true. Hernia 2009;13:455–457
- Dynamic implant for inguinal hernia repair in porcine experimental model. A feasibility study. Hernia 2009;13:S1-332
- Prosthetic stap system for simplified ventral hernia repair: results of a porcine experimental model. Hernia 2010;14:389-95
- Suture intradermiche totali. G Chir. 2010;1/2:48-54
- Reply to the letter:”Histology of the internal inguinal ring: it is really a novelty?”. Hernia 2010;14:665-7
- A new shape of mesh to simplify and standardize the implantation procedure in ventral hernia repair. Hernia 2010;14:S-43
- Dynamic autostatic implant for inguinal hernia repair. Early results in an explorative cohort of patients. Hernia 2010;14:S55-S100
- Terminal ligature of inferior thyroid artery branches during total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter is associated with higher postoperative calcium and PTH levels. Journal of Visceral Surgery 2010;147;329—332
- Open mini-invasive cholecystectomy in high risk elderly. G Chir 2010;11/12:518-22
- Nerve degeneration in inguinal hernia specimens. Hernia 2011;15:53-58
- Pathological anatomy of hernia disease. Hernia 2011;15:S46-4765-7
- Fixation free open ventral hernia repair using a new mesh with integrated placement straps. Hernia 2011;15:S21
- New mesh shape and improved implantation procedure to simplify and standardize open ventral hernia repair. A preliminary report. Hernia 2011;5:659–665
- Damage to the vascular structures in inguinal hernia specimens. Hernia 2012;16:63–67
- A new prosthetic implant for inguinal hernia repair: its features in a porcine experimental model. Artificial Organs 2011;35(8):E181–E190
- Fixation free prosthetic repair of large umbilical hernia granting a broad defect overlap. Hernia 2012;16: Sl43-S240
- Muscle degeneration in inguinal hernia specimens. Hernia 2012;16:327–331
- Physiopathology of hernia disease. Hernia 2012;17 (Suppl 1): S159-160
- Fixation-free inguinal hernia repair, using a dynamic self-retaining implant inducing enhanced biologic response. Results of a midterm follow up Hernia 2012 (Suppl 1):S85-S87
- Fixation free incisional hernia repair with a newly designed mesh with integrated bands. Hernia 2012;16 (Suppl 1): 569-572
- Fixation-free inguinal hernia repair using a dynamic self-retaining implant. Surg Technol Int. 2012 Sep 30;XXII:22/17
- Histological findings in direct inguinal hernia. Hernia 2013;17(6):757-63
- Enhanced biologic response using a fixation-free, dynamic implant for inguinal hernia repair. Results of a midterm
follow up. Hernia 2013;17 (Suppl 2): S31-S70 - Defect obliteration vs. coverage: new concepts in the surgical treatment of inguinal hernia. Hernia 2013;17 (Suppl 2): S31-S70
- Fixation free prosthetic repair of large umbilical hernia Hernia (2013) 17 (Suppl 2): S1-S26
- Modified fixation free plug technique using a new 3D multilamellar implant for inguinal hernia repair. Hernia 2014; 18(2):243-50
- Dynamic Inguinal Hernia Repair with a 3D Fixation-free and Motion-compliant Implant: A Clinical Study. Surg. Techol. Intl. 2014 Feb 14;XXIV
- Modified fixation free plug technique using a new 3D multilamellar implant for inguinal hernia repair. Hernia 2014; 18(2):243-50
- Multiple ipsilateral inguinal hernias. If undetected source of complications and re-interventions. Hemia 2014; 18 (Suppl 2):26
- Addressing hernia genesis. It’s impact in the surgical management of inguinal protrusions. Hemia 2014; 18 (Suppl 2):87
- Biologic Response of Inguinal Hernia Prosthetics: A Comparative Study of Conventional Static Meshes Versus 3D Dynamic Implants Artificial Organs. 2015 Jan;39(1):E10-23
- Vacuum inversion and securing of distal colonic pseudodiverticula with novel spiked O-rings. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Mar;81(3):749-55
- Comparing the biological response of conventional static meshes and dynamic responsive implants Hernia (2015) (SuppI2):S3-SI94
- Combined inguinal hernia, a progressive protrusion disease. Hernia (2015) (Suppl 2):SI95-S340
- Combined inguinal hernia in the elderly. Portraying the progression of hernia disease. Int J Surg. 2016 Sep;33 Suppl 1:S20-9.
- External hernia of the supravesicalis fossa: a misidentified protrusion. More frequent than imagined, riskier than perceived. Hernia (2016) 20 (Suppl2):S198
- The septum inguinalis: a neglected feature of the inguinal backwall showing significant implications in hernia genesis. Hernia (2016) 20 (Suppl 2):S175
- External hernia of the supravesical fossa. A misidentified protrusion with high risk of incarceration. Hernia (2017) 21 (Suppl 2):S173
- Physiopathology of inguinal region & hernia genesis. Highlighting the visceral impact theory. Hernia (2017) 21 (Suppl 2):S208
- External hernia of the supravesicalis fossa: a misidentified protrusion. More frequent than imagined, riskier than perceived. Int J Surg. 2017 May;41:119-126
- Fixation free incisional hernia repair in the elderly: our experience with a tentacle-shaped implant. Aging clinical experimental research. Aging Clin. Exp. Res.2017 Feb;29(Suppl 1):173-177
- Long-term results of fixation free incisional hernia repair using a tentacle shaped implant. Surg. Technol. Int. 2017 Jul 25;30:175-181.
- Fixation free dynamic femoral hernia repair using a 3D multilamellar implant Hernia (2018) 22 (Suppl 1):S115
- 10 years inguinal hernia repair with a 3D dynamic responsive implant: indications, procedural steps and long term results Hernia (2018) 22 (Suppl 1):S114
- Long-term results of fixation-free incisional hernia repair with a tentacle-shaped implant. Hernia (2018) 22 (Suppl 1):S115
- Fixation free femoral hernia repair with a 3D dynamic responsive implant. A case series report. Int J Surg. Published online April 2018
- Lipoma of the fossa femoralis mimicking a femoral hernia. Report of 2 cases Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018; 49: 223–227
- Neomyogenesis in 3D dynamic responsive prosthesis for inguinal hernia repair. Artif Organs. 2018 Dec;42(12):1216-1223
- Tentacle‑shaped mesh for fixation‑free repair of umbilical hernias. Hernia. 2019 Aug;23(4):801-807
- Fixation-free incisional hernia repair with tentacle-shaped implant: The results of a long-term follow up. Hernia (2019) 23 (Suppl 2):S240
- The ProFlor Technique: An innovative concept change in inguinal hernia repair. Hernia (2019) 23 (Suppl 2):S216
- Fixation free laparoscopic inguinal hernia defect obliteration with ProFlor. Simple, quick and effective. Hernia (2019) 23 (Suppl 2):S126
- Fixation free inguinal hernia repair with the 3D dynamic responsive prosthesis ProFlor: Features, procedural steps and long-term results. International Journal of Surgery Open 2019; 21:34-4
- Inguinal Hernia: The Destiny of the Inferior Epigastric Vessels and the Pathogenesis of the Disease. Surg Technol Int. 2020 Mar 18;36.
- Neo-nervegenesis in 3D dynamic responsive implant for inguinal hernia repair. Qualitative study. International Journal of Surgery Volume 76, April 2020, Pages 114-119
- First-in-man permanent laparoscopic fixation free obliteration of inguinal hernia defect with the 3D dynamic responsive implant ProFlor-E®. Case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;77S(Suppl):S2-S7
- Is prophylactic central neck dissection justified in patients with cN0 differentiated thyroid carcinoma? An overview of the most recent literature and latest guidelines. Ann Ital Chir. 2020;91:451-457
- Successful laparoscopic management of congenital diaphragmatic relaxation: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;77S(Suppl):S25-S28
- Small bowel volvulus due to a large intestinal lipoma: A rare case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;77S(Suppl):S101-S104
- Enhanced angiogenesis in the 3D dynamic responsive implant for inguinal hernia repair ProFlor Artificial Organs. 2021;45:933–942.
- A regenerative 3D scaffold for inguinal hernia repair. MR imaging and histological cross evidence. Qualitative study International Journal of Surgerythis 2021, 96, 106170
- Reply to “A commentary on “A regenerative 3D scaffold for inguinal hernia repair. MR imaging and histological cross evidence. Qualitative study” (Int J Surg 2021;96:106170)”
- Preventive HIPEC in combination with perioperative FLOT versus FLOT alone for resectable diffuse type gastric and gastroesophageal junction type II/III adenocarcinoma – the phase III “PREVENT”- (FLOT9) trial of the AIO /CAOGI /ACO. BMC Cancer, 2021, 21(1), 1158
- Difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy and preoperative predictive factors. Scientific Reports 2021, 11(1), 2559
- Feasibility and Safety of Laparoscopic Complete Mesocolic Excision (CME) for Right-sided Colon Cancer: Short-term Outcomes. A Randomized Clinical Study. Annals of Surgery 2021, 274(1), pp. 57–62
- Inguinal Hernia: Defect Obliteration with the 3D Dynamic Regenerative Scaffold Proflor™. Surgical Technology International 2021, 38, pp. 199–205
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2021, 164(3), pp. 482–488Uterine Involvement in Klippel–Trenaunay Syndrome: A Rare But Relevant Event. Review of the Literature. Front Surg. 2022; 9: 893320
- Giant uterus in a patient with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Report of a case. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2022, 96, 107376
- Totally laparoscopic treatment of intestinal tuberculosis complicated with bowel perforation: the first case report in worldwide literature with a brief review. Front. Surg., August 2022
- Colorectal infiltrating deep endometriosis: Laparoscopic treatment. A case report. Frontiers in Surgery, 2022, 9, 1021944
- Fixation free laparoscopic obliteration of inguinal hernia defects with the 3D dynamic responsive scaffold ProFlor. Scientific Reports 2022, 12(1), 18971
- Dynamic Responsive Inguinal Scaffold Activates Myogenic Growth Factors Finalizing the Regeneration of the Herniated Groin. J Funct Biomater. 2022 Nov 18;13(4):253
- Physiologic Cyclical Load on Inguinal Hernia Scaffold ProFlor Turns Biological Response into Tissue Regeneration Biology, 2023, 12(3), 434
- Tentacle Mesh for Fixation-Free Spigelian Hernia Repair: Mini-Invasive Approach Granting Broad Defect Overlap Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12(12), 3866
- Acute appendicitis and situs viscerum inversus: radiological and surgical approach—a systematic review. European Journal of Medical Research 2023, 28(1), 85
- A rare presentation of gastric phytobezoar: Simultaneous bleeding and perforation. Combined laparoscopic and endoscopic approach. Report of a case. Volume 112, November 2023, 108841
- Surgical Management of Complicated Abdominal Tuberculosis: The First Systematic Review—New Treatments for an Ancient Disease and the State of the Art. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2024, 13(16), 4894
- Evaluation of predictive factors for i-CLARAS (intraoperative complications in laparoscopic renal and adrenal surgery): a multicentre international retrospective cohort study. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14(1), 1372